Manogya Handa


Dedicated and passionate educator with 2 years of experience in creating engaging and interactive learning environments. Proven track record of fostering academic excellence, promoting social growth, and encouraging critical thinking skills in students. Committed to delivering high-quality instruction, tailored to meet the diverse needs of learners. Skilled in chemistry, botany and zoology along with other science subject. Possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build strong relationships with students and parents.


Education: BSc life sciences
Teaching Experience: 2
Subject: Biology
Subject: Chemistry
Subject: Physics
Subject: Science
Mode: Online
Class: I-V
Class: VI-VIII
Location: 576/1, Kamala Nagar, Jaiprakesh Nagar, Nehru Nagar III, Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201001, India
Address: 38 old anand vihar colony, ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

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